Yesterday, it was suggested to carry out short operations at the 62000 level. The market fell back to around 61100 in the evening, which was basically in line with expectations. Although it failed to fully reach the oscillation area of ​​60000, in the early hours of the morning, the market touched the short-term support and rebounded to around 62500.

The current four-hour chart shows that the market is still oscillating in the lavender range between 0.618 and 0.786. It is not appropriate to expect a sharp rise or fall in the short term, and it is more of a restorative market situation. Today, the upper resistance is still at 62500 and 62900, while the lower support is at 61000 and 60500. Therefore, it is recommended to keep an eye on the support and resistance levels and respond flexibly to long and short opportunities.

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