Market analysis on Tuesday, July 2:

Bitcoin reached a high of 63,800 yesterday and then retreated to around 62,500. This volatility made many people mistakenly believe that the market would reverse again, but it rose again to 63,800 in the evening.

Ether also successfully reached the target level last night, and the control of the market was very accurate. This morning, Bitcoin fluctuated around 62,800, and further retracement may be needed in the short term to obtain better upside space.

From the intraday performance, the trading volume gradually shrank, but the energy continued to increase, and the technical indicators showed an upward trend, indicating that the market still has certain upside potential. In the short term, 62,500 is still a strong resistance level, so we recommend trading around 62,500.

Focus on the 62,500 support level. If it is not broken, you can enter the market at a nearby position. If the price breaks through this level, adjust the trading strategy in time. For aggressive people, you can consider entering the market at the current price, and if the price falls below the support level below, it is recommended to cover the position.

Operation suggestions:

Enter the Bitcoin market in the range of 62500-62000, with a target of above 64000. Ethereum can be operated simultaneously.

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