Bull market: Attract retail investors or kill them all?

Yesterday I saw two people arguing.

One person said, without retail investors, where does the bull market come from?

The other person thought, if retail investors are not killed, how can the bull market start?

Frankly speaking, I am more inclined to the latter. After experiencing three rounds of bull and bear markets, I found that the starting point of the bull market is often when retail investors are liquidated and leave the market. Only retail investors themselves know this despair. The pain of cutting meat is absolutely heartbreaking.

The market will attract retail investors to enter the market again in the bull market, but this will definitely not happen in the bottom area. When Bitcoin returns to 77,000, 80,000, or even 100,000 again, there will naturally be a large number of people shouting that the bull market is coming and entering the market to take over.

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