In recent months, observing market trends, it is not difficult to find that about 95% of altcoins have shown a high degree of synchronization, whether they are rising or falling, their fluctuations are surprisingly similar.

Generally speaking, a vibrant market should show diversified performance, and various currencies have their own unique development trajectories.

The current market situation makes people question whether most altcoins are affected by some kind of behind-the-scenes force, except for a few new coins and meme coins. This synchronization makes people can't help but make such an association.

If you can't find your way in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, find me on Zui Ye Brief and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free. #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛