Many currencies have fallen to the bottom, and the cost-effectiveness is prominent.

At present, some altcoins have shown a strong rebound momentum.

For example, the "three musketeers" in the field of AI - fet, ocean and agix, have all seen a significant increase.

At the same time, meme-type currencies, such as wif, have also performed well. These signs show that the rebound trend of altcoins has been formed, and it is only a matter of time before they rise.

At this critical moment, investors need to open their eyes and select altcoins with potential.

It is crucial to choose the right track, because the choice of track will directly affect the investment income. In the popular track, the leading and second-tier currencies can often bring rich returns.

At present, I am particularly optimistic about two targets: PEPE and PEOPLE.

PEPE has always been a currency I have held for a long time, and its potential and prospects are self-evident.

The advantage of PEOPLE lies in the hardness of its narrative content and its low market value, which gives it huge room for growth.

In addition, the first debate of the 2024 US presidential election is about to kick off, and the issue of cryptocurrency is likely to become the focus of discussion.

If the candidate mentions cryptocurrency on stage, the market may see new fluctuations, providing momentum for the rise of altcoins.

Recently, I am also preparing to lay out some potential spot contracts.

Those who like spot contracts can follow and see the strength.

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