It is July 1st now, and I have to tell you about my thoughts for this month.

At present, it is not the best time to enter the market, we have to be patient,

Wait until mid-July to start, and welcome the real market explosion in August and September!

Look at the Fed's balance sheet, which has risen from a peak of 2 trillion US dollars to the current 486 billion US dollars. According to historical data, once the balance sheet reduction stops, interest rate cuts are not far away!

In such a market, the opportunity to fight back is fleeting!

Judging from the current situation, the strongest story line of this bull market is the narrative of ETFs.

This ETF has three meanings: First, it can allow a large amount of actual gold and silver to flow into the currency circle

Second, it brings various positive expectations, such as SOL ETF

Third, compliance, such as ETH compliance.

Large ETFs have taken shape, and ETH ETF is also expected to be approved in July!

The documents have been returned for modification at the end of June. In the future, ETFs will no longer be applied one by one, but in batches, first come first served!

Moreover, the impact of ETH ETF on altcoins is much greater than that of BTC ETF!

Because institutions and retail investors will keep an eye on the flow of funds of ETH ETF to evaluate the performance of large altcoin ETFs and then trade.

Finally, let me reveal a data to you. According to the report of Coinglass, the monthly return rate of Bitcoin in July is a historic rebound!

After experiencing negative growth in June, Bitcoin usually rebounds by double digits in July!

In the past five years, the correction period after June often makes Bitcoin rebound by more than 9.6%, sometimes even as high as 24%!

We must recognize the situation and recognize ourselves. Please build a complete plan for yourself. When to buy? When to sell? What target to buy, what is the strategy? How to do risk control? If you don’t understand, click on my avatar, follow, and read more in the homepage for more information

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