
“May is poor and June is dead” every year. In the cycle theory, which months of the year are suitable for cryptocurrency trading?

“May is poor, June is dead, and July may not turn around.” I am always short in May, June, July, and August every year. So, when is the right time to enter the cryptocurrency trading market?

1. Enter the market at the end of September and leave the market at the end of November.

2. Enter the market before the Spring Festival and leave the market in April.

3. Follow the above two iron laws. Of course, the situation of individual small-cap coins being manipulated by the main force is not included.

4. The US dollar continues to appreciate against the RMB, and the RMB is still weak against the US dollar. Jewish capital intends to attract global funds into the US stock market.

5. The few individuals who can make profits by quantitative trading and using leverage in the cryptocurrency circle are only a very small number of people who select coins and operate in waves.

6. For most "leeks", they are all suffering in pain. If there is a rebound (profit reaches 1 times, stop in time), then consider choosing other targets for band operation and make a quick decision. This is just my personal feeling.