Someone must have told you that the cryptocurrency world is the only chance for ordinary people to cross social classes in the contemporary world.

However, I want to say that such people are either lazy and greedy, or they are bad at cheating others.

He never mentions the life and death of the cryptocurrency world, nor does he tell you how many dark things there are in the cryptocurrency world that are not protected by law.

He also never tells you how many people have really crossed social classes because of the so-called dream of crossing social classes, from the middle class to being heavily in debt, and have indeed crossed in the opposite direction.

I really don’t recommend that complete financial novices come to the cryptocurrency world. If you don’t even understand the A-share market and some basic financial knowledge, and you come here with the idea of ​​crossing social classes, I will tell you that the tuition is very expensive, so expensive that you will never be able to turn over in this life.

The decentralized nature of the blockchain means that no institution can conduct macroeconomic regulation, and no institution will be regulated, which means that here, the big dealers can do whatever they want, and your profit is just to keep up with the trend, and your failure is more of a pre-set script.

Don’t think that your strategy is invincible and your mind is clear because of one or two bets between the north and the south, and start to call yourself a cryptocurrency expert. There are so many cryptocurrency experts. The 10U battle to tens of millions was just last year. What was the final outcome?

The cryptocurrency world does give everyone a chance, but the chances are big or small. You can come in and take a look, after all, it is a new thing. If you don’t get it, leave immediately without thinking about getting your money back.

If you get it, quit immediately, your chances have run out, don’t blindly think that it is caused by your smart decision.

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