The market rebounded overnight, and many people were also anxious because the increase seemed "too small". Jokes were flying around, saying that a 20% drop was called a correction, and a 5% increase was called a takeoff.

Many people continue to lose money. Most of the time, most of the participants in the market continue to lose money because there are too few people who think clearly. Last year, we basically put an end to our positions. We have already established positions and made preparations.

However, many friends still did not open positions at that time. Some were worried that there was still room for further declines and did not dare to increase their positions. Some entered the market during the last bull market and were fully invested in small coins, which resulted in the market not recovering yet.

In principle, as long as you follow the principle of "heavy positions in BTC\ETH, small positions in small coins", even if you are stuck at the top of the last bull market, there is no big problem now. However, after reading some philosophy and history books recently, I got some insights that it is difficult to listen to suggestions when there is no circle or major setbacks.

Now is an opportunity. If you did not open a position during the decline last year because you suffered losses from the last bull market, you should learn from these experiences. It seems that the market value of BTC and ETH is very high, but there are only a few tokens that can outperform BTC and ETH in every cycle. BTC\ETH is solid, and small coins are changing.

Of course, there are new opportunities in every cycle of the crypto industry, but these opportunities are not worth all the capital. For example, if you have 100,000 yuan and have the ability to seize the opportunity, you can buy ORDI. Even if you buy 10,000 yuan in the early stage, you can make a lot. But if you don’t have this ability, investing all 100,000 yuan will just go down the drain.

On the other hand, if you use 100,000 to 20,000 yuan of your 100,000 yuan to invest in small coins, and put the rest in BTC and ETH, you can seize the cyclical opportunities and concept opportunities, and you can also get good returns. Even if you don’t seize them, you will still be invincible, and the returns will far exceed anything you do in other industries. Don’t be fooled by the impetuous “showing orders” and get FOMO.

After reading the above, think carefully about "large positions in BTC\ETH, small positions to take small coin opportunities\speculative opportunities", and you may have a deeper understanding.

After gaining new insights, let’s think about what to do. There were two types of short sellers in the last round, and each should have a different response method.

If you hold U, it is actually good. First of all, compared with those who entered the market during the bull market, you are already lucky. You have outperformed most people without losing money. But if you want to make money, you have to make a psychological assumption.

The reason why we didn’t make any investment in the last round is either because we entered the market too early or because we lacked the knowledge and courage. Theoretically, we should just give up this bull market and wait for the next 50% plunge before entering the market, but human nature doesn’t allow us to make such a rational decision. So we need to compromise.

That is, in every major drop in the future, we should start to build light positions in batches. Short-term rises and falls are unpredictable, but what to do after the rise and fall depends entirely on ourselves.

If it continues to fall, just continue to build positions according to the decline. If it rises, that's good, at least people are in the car and don't have to stare blankly. For this part of the position, the large position should be BTC and ETH, and the small position is other tokens. Remember not to be fooled by messy information.

There will definitely be "eternal earners" in a bull market. If you have experienced a complete cycle, you will find that without exception, they all make money in the middle. When the bull market ends, the eggshells are blown away by the wind, and the money is gone and people are happy. Without accumulating small steps, there is no way to a thousand miles. If you don't buy BTC, getting rich is only in your dreams.

In addition, the more troublesome ones are those who have been stuck with small coins since the last cycle. These people need to make adjustments more.

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