#ARB $ARB In the current ARB market, we need to use careful thinking to understand its trend. At present, whether it is 1 hour, 2 hours or 4 hours, the market's average tends to be short. However, in today's fierce game, the 4-hour level of long and short watershed, that is, the key point of 0.7948, has become the focus of our attention.

In this market dominated by the short side, we need to be wary of the two important support levels below, namely 0.7535 and 0.7236. These two positions are like two lines of defense. Once lost, the short side will be more rampant. However, the market is always full of variables, and the rebound of the market cannot be ignored.

When the ARB market rebounds, the three target prices above - 0.8144, 0.8346 and 0.8514, will be the levels we look forward to breaking through. These three positions are like three high mountains, blocking the attack of the long side. If the bulls can successfully break through these three mountains, the balance of the market may tilt towards the bulls. However, if the rebound fails to achieve its goal, the bears will still dominate and the market may continue to show a downward trend.

Here, we must always keep a clear mind and observe the subtle changes in the market. Only in this way can we move forward steadily in the turbulent ARB market and achieve the final victory.

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