#BB $BB BB Today's Market Analysis Report

Short-term trend: BB's 1/2 hour level clearly shows that the bulls have the upper hand. Follow-up communication of the cottage point needs to be analyzed 𡝗Search 👉 Public/Account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

Medium-term trend: However, at the 4-hour level, the bears dominate.

Today's focus: Pay attention to whether the price approaches the key level of 0.3354. Lower target prediction:

The first target: around 0.3167, the second target: around 0.3094, and the third target: around 0.3021.

Upper rebound prediction:

If the market rebounds, the first price range to focus on is 0.3490 to 0.3557, and then to around 0.3669.

Note: If the rebound fails to break through the above three price points, the market may continue to maintain a bearish trend.

Operational suggestions: Short-term traders need to keep a close eye on the market and respond flexibly to market changes.

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