$BTC BTC returns to 40K, warning of history repeating itself?

With the shocking news, Bitcoin (BTC) seems to be preparing to return to the $40,000 mark. However, behind this optimism, there is a historical warning that cannot be ignored - if history repeats itself, the price of BTC may suffer another 33% plunge.

Looking back on the past, Bitcoin has shown a unique market behavior: it prefers to retest its annual opening price. This process is like a barometer of the market, which may indicate a bearish haze or become a confirmation signal of a bullish trend. Since 2017, except for the abnormal period of 2023 and 2024, the retest of the annual opening price has become an indispensable part of the Bitcoin market.

Past cases are vivid, such as the bearish test of the opening price in 2018, which foreshadowed the market crash before the COVID-19 pandemic; the opening price of $3,850 in 2019 was also verified in the storm of the epidemic the following year. The retest of the opening price in 2021 became the prelude to its historical high of $69,000. Similarly, the retest of the opening price in 2022, although accompanied by a bearish atmosphere, also outlined the outline of the market bottom.

Based on these historical precedents, we can draw a high-probability market blueprint and predict the local bottom position that BTC may reach. Faced with such uncertainty, how should investors deal with it? If history really repeats itself, formulating response strategies and flexibly adjusting positions will be the key.

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