How can an ordinary person improve himself in the cryptocurrency circle? ?

The entry threshold of the cryptocurrency circle is not high. You can come in and take a gamble with a few hundred yuan. From this perspective, this is the best paradise for leeks.

But no one wants to be a leek all the time

So you always have to grow, even if you grow into a thicker leek.

When the sickle cuts you, you have to work hard.

How to improve?

1. The most important thing is to improve your cognition. You don’t come in to take a gamble and run away. You come in to be a growing leek, so it is important to live. Never, ever, don’t let yourself die after taking a gamble.

2. Learn the basic investment philosophy. What I’m talking about here is not the candlestick chart or something, but the basic logic of investment. How should the primary market be played, how should the secondary market be played, why can’t you chase the rise and fall, etc.

3. Learn other people’s excellent investment frameworks and learn to establish your own investment framework. Invest according to the investment framework. If you win, you must know where you win, and if you lose, you must know where you lose.

4. Learn to control your own position and establish your own moat position so that you can survive in a bear market.

5. Xinhui mentality control. When you can control your mentality and be calm and composed, it means you have grown up.

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