If there were no such idiots in the market,

it would never have reached this point,

making people panic!

The German government still has 27,000 BTC

Mentougou still has 13,800 coins

These two idiots have caused panic in the market, and a large amount of funds have been lost. The market needs a large amount of new funds to absorb this wave of BTC dumping!

The entry of a large amount of new funds depends on when the ETH ETF starts to be listed and traded!

Another question is when the interest rate will be cut. The inflation rate in the US cannot be reduced, so the interest rate cut will have to be delayed.

There is also the US election. Only after the president is determined can the economy be fully developed. When the economy is active, the interest rate cut will begin. The election has been a long time of wrangling. How can the interest rate be cut when the economy is unstable?

There is also ETF. Five Ethereum spot ETF applicants, including BlackRock, have submitted S-1 document updates.

Bloomberg analysts predict that Ethereum spot ETF may be listed and traded later next week or on the week of July 15.

If the prediction of Bloomberg analysts is true, then there will be a wave of recovery in the market next week!

Pay more attention to the news of ETF events!

#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #德国政府转移比特币