Stop dreaming about getting rich! The end of the contract is hell. If you don’t turn back, there will be no hope in life!

4.13 is destined to be the darkest moment in the lives of many cryptocurrency gamblers.

But actually, it is not strange to me, because I have lost everything because of the contract, including my youth, future, health, marriage, and career! I have not dared to go home for many years. I have been in so much pain that I want to cry but have no tears. I have bled dry. Now I am just a walking corpse hiding in a deserted corner, living one day at a time.

I am completely hopeless, but you who are reading this article may not be. I sincerely hope to save as many people as possible, because I know how terrible contracts are! I know how painful and desperate it is to have a good life ruined, and how much worse it is to live a life worse than death!!! Because I can no longer save myself, I can only share my experience and save those who can still be saved.

Thousands of originally happy families ended up broken up because of the unattainable dream of pursuing a fortune in the cryptocurrency world.

The stock market has 7 losses, 2 draws and 1 win, and the cryptocurrency world is even more cruel, with more than 90% of people coming here to get killed. But even so, due to greed and luck, people always mistakenly think they are one of the 10%.

1. How do you know I am not that 1%?

A simple and rough way to judge: as long as you are not an exchange, an investment institution, or a professional trader with many years of experience, and you don’t have a stable trading record of profitability for more than one month in the past, then you are that 90%!

The cryptocurrency world is also divided into mining, spot, and contracts. Mining and spot, as long as it is a long-term investment, it is not difficult to make money. The most deadly and dangerous is the contract. It is not an exaggeration to say that more than 99% of those who do contracts lose money.

2. The first cancer in the cryptocurrency world: contracts

Moreover, more than 90% of people who have touched the contract will suffer from a "terminal illness":

Loss of motivation for normal work

Why? Because contracts make money and lose money too quickly, which is actually gambling. When you make thousands or tens of thousands of yuan in a few minutes, and also lose tens of thousands of yuan in a few minutes, and the loss is your one or three months' work income, how can you still have the heart to do your normal work?

People who have experienced a contract blow-up will gradually have a distorted view of money. They will lose enthusiasm for life and work, and in more serious cases, their brains will have organic lesions, leading to depression (the kind that can only be cured by taking medicine). In addition, since they have made money before, they will definitely not be willing to accept a blow-up and will definitely want to make more money. Therefore, when the contract blows up, the brain will be filled with blood, and they will definitely recharge again after a few days of silence. However, the contract cannot be foolproof. If you make a mistake once, all your previous efforts will be wasted and the contract will blow up again. So, don't expect a miracle. Remember: there is no miracle in the contract. There is no miracle in the contract. There is no miracle in the contract.

It is only a matter of time before your margin call ends.

Once you enter the cryptocurrency world, as long as you touch a contract, you will be infected with this "incurable disease". Sorry, you may not believe it at all. From the first time you get liquidated, your suicide may be doomed. Unless... you completely withdraw from the contract!

This terminal illness is terrifying. It will make it impossible for you to work hard to make money. If you can't make money, you will be even more short of money, and you will want to speculate in cryptocurrencies to make up for your losses, forming a vicious cycle. You will continue to work until you lose everything and eventually have no way out, and your family will be broken up. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that contracts are killing weapons.

Contract gamblers, few have a good ending. It's just that they don't have the energy to post online to tell you. Contract gamblers, many of them are at the end of their rope, holding on, waiting for a miracle, wondering when and how to commit suicide. I'm not exaggerating, because I have too many such people on WeChat.

3. The cryptocurrency world is so dangerous, why do so many people get rich?

Many of the "cases" of making money from contracts that you see are actually scams. Of course, you can make money from contracts in the short term. In the past five years, I have had seven or eight experiences where I was close to making back my investment, but that was just a process. Losing everything is the result. You can make money by opening a contract with your eyes closed, but if you encounter an extreme market situation and make the opposite trade, all your previous efforts will be in vain.

There are actually three types of cases where you see people making a lot of money:

1. Some people really make money, but that is only temporary. You don’t know when their positions will be liquidated later.

This is not unusual at all. When I was lucky, I made 90,000 in a few minutes. It was 20 years ago, and I recharged 100,000 with the money from the mortgage of the house. At that time, I opened a long position in BTC and set several stop-profit orders. As a result, when I went downstairs to buy milk tea that night, BTC suddenly violently spiked upward. In just a few minutes, my account increased from 100,000 to 190,000. After a few minutes, many people said that the price did not change and their positions were gone. So everyone has a time to make money. If you only look at this, you will be easily misled and think that making money is easy, but what is the end? I am losing more and more now, and I am not far from death.

2. The personality packaged by the exchange.

There are so many leeks, and they urgently need a successful person who has turned over a fortune through cryptocurrency speculation as their belief and the object of their following. Therefore, the vested interests (mainly exchanges and project parties) will try their best to create such a person, and tell their own stories of getting rich on Weibo, public accounts, short videos and other platforms to attract attention and attract leeks to join the trap.

3. Promotion staff

Promoters include those from exchanges and third parties. Exchanges are not important. To put it bluntly, third parties are some so-called analysts and teachers who earn your transaction fees by getting you to trade. How do they make money? It's very simple. There is always one person who guesses right when opening both long and short positions. The one who guessed right is posted as bait. When the leeks see it, they think, Wow, it's so easy to make money! Go!

This type of people is the most numerous, and they are also the most confusing and harmful. There are many answers to this question. They will send you the download link of the exchange. Please note that this link has a referral code. If you trade through their link, they can earn your transaction fee.

4. Misconceptions in the cryptocurrency circle: I only do spot trading and not contracts. Is this safe?

I’m doing spot trading and I don’t touch contract leverage, so my position won’t get liquidated, right?

Let me first state the conclusion: a considerable proportion of people who do spot trading will eventually be unable to resist doing contracts, and it is out of control.

This brings us to a fatal flaw in human nature: greed. You may not believe it and think you have strong self-control. You overestimate human nature.

Okay, follow my train of thought and imagine that you invested 10,000 yuan in spot trading and earned 20 points one day. How would you feel? First of all, you must be very happy. Then what? You start to feel regretful: I knew it would go up. If I had invested 100,000 yuan, I could have earned 20,000 yuan! Damn, I lost tens of thousands of yuan!

See, even if you make money you won’t be happy because you feel you’re not making enough.

At this point, how will most people react? Two options: either add to your position or think about using leverage.

Note that at this point, you are already high.

If you open a contract, you must be very rational and cautious at the beginning. "I'll double it first, it's more stable."

Yes, 2x is not bad. But the magic of contracts is that no matter how low your leverage is at the beginning, most people will eventually increase their leverage uncontrollably. If you don't believe it, look at this:

1) If you make money with 2x leverage, you will think, (⊙o⊙) Wow, I made twice as much profit, thousands of dollars! Isn’t this much better than taking this crappy class? ! Shit, triple it, no, five times it! If I bet on the market again, I can make another 10,000 yuan! ! ! Go!

2) If you lose money with 2x leverage, because you opened a 2x leverage, you will lose twice as much as the spot. You look at it and see how hard it was to watch the market every day, thinking about it day and night and not being able to sleep, but in the end you lose all the profits and even lose the principal, which is really unpleasant. "Fuck, just open a 5x leverage in the next wave of the market, as long as you guess right, you can get it back! Go!"

It’s over, it’s over, you have fallen into the devil’s way.

When you get to this point, it can be said that one of your feet has already stepped into the underworld.

There are indeed people who can make money in the cryptocurrency world, but for you in front of the screen, the cryptocurrency world is like drugs. Are you sure you can control yourself in front of drugs? Are you sure you can overcome human nature that tens of millions of leeks in the country cannot overcome?

With the time, brainpower and money spent in the cryptocurrency world, the results will be better no matter what industry you are in than investing in the cryptocurrency world.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

Don't challenge human nature, but stay away from environments that challenge human nature.

Finally, I also have a small request. Please like and forward this post, because I want more people to see it and save the leeks. Because once you fall into the pit, it will be difficult to climb out. Life is not easy. I know how painful and desperate this road is, so I hope no one will fall into the pit again. I don’t take orders or promote exchanges, just because I don’t want more people to ruin their beautiful lives and end up in a dead end like me.

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