
This week is so weird! ?

This week is so weird! There is no important economic data released, but more than five Fed officials are going to speak!

It should be noted that BTC has fallen badly recently, and the rebound has not been strong at all. It has not broken through the key number of $65,000 until now!

In this case, we have to keep our guard up! From the on-chain data, the BTC in the exchange has not increased in the past few days, and stablecoins have been flowing out from yesterday to today.

ETF funds have been net outflows for 8 consecutive days, but it is estimated that funds will come in next week.

In this case, everyone should keep their positions below 50% and wait for the rebound opportunities that may appear next week!

This is a period full of changes and challenges, and every decision cannot be sloppy!

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