
Is the Ethereum ETF postponed a blessing or a curse?

The Ethereum ETF has been postponed, don't panic!

This may not be a bad thing, as it can accumulate strong power in the shock. However, the next development direction.

If it passes, Ethereum will be awesome, soaring like a pancake, directly breaking through the previous high, and the rising market that will make you drop your jaw will come!

It can rise, but it just can't break through the previous high, hanging you lukewarmly.

It rises a little bit, and then turns around and falls, which puts a big stone on the hearts of investors.

In the battlefield of financial investment, we always look forward to the rise.

But to be honest, it is more deadly to do a good job of risk control.

We all have to have corresponding tricks. No matter what kind of situation comes out in the end, we must be calm and deal with it, not afraid of anything, and firmly grasp the victory in our hands!

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