#ARB $ARB ARB Today's Market Professional Analysis

After a detailed analysis of ARB, the current market 1-hour level clearly points to the short side, while the 2-hour and 4-hour levels show purple signals, indicating the possibility of a pullback. In this context, we will focus on the 4-hour level of the long-short watershed 0.8022, which will directly affect the short-term market trend.

From the downward trend, if the ARB price continues to fall, we should first pay attention to the three support levels below: 0.7866, 0.7577 and 0.7234. These prices have shown strong support in the past market. If the ARB price can stabilize in this range, it is expected to trigger a short-term rebound in the market.

However, we cannot ignore the possibility of a rebound. If the ARB price can successfully rebound, the three resistance levels above should be focused on: 0.8135, 0.8303 and 0.8471. These price levels have formed obvious pressure in the past market. If ARB can successfully break through these resistance levels, it is expected to further push prices up.

During the trading process, investors are advised to adopt a short-term strategy of watching the market, pay attention to market dynamics in real time, and capture the subtle changes in the power of long and short positions. By accurately grasping the trend of each wave of market conditions, we can make steady profits in a complex and changing market. At the same time, please pay attention to risk control to ensure investment safety. Follow me, live broadcast with real orders every day, one-on-one guidance, Xiaobai can also master the wealth code, and need to analyze the search for the copycat points (public account: Encrypted Wind) ✌️👗cfst1315#ARb #ARBUSDT #arb解锁 #ARB.智能策略库