Have you introspected deeply and explored the deep-seated reasons for the continuous losses in digital currency transactions?

The primary crux lies in improper mentality management. Some investors are impatient and restless when faced with small fluctuations (such as 1%-3% losses), and they trade frequently, falling into the vicious circle of "chasing up and selling down", which eventually leads to a large loss of funds. The way to invest is to have a long-term vision and patience. Even investment masters like Buffett use the steady growth of about 20% annualized as a benchmark to remind us to stay calm and determined.

Secondly, when dealing with the cryptocurrency market, we should uphold the dual attitude of "both faith and respect". Lack of awe often stems from ignoring market dynamics, main trends and key indicators, and blindly following the trend based on one-sided information. Entering the market without sufficient research is like a blind man walking at night, and it is difficult to capture profitable opportunities. Therefore, in-depth insight into market dynamics and proficiency in technical analysis and fundamental research are the basis for improving investment odds.

Furthermore, it is particularly important to select investment targets. Technical analysis is the primary task. Through intuitive data such as K-line charts, we can screen out currencies with active transactions and obvious capital inflows. At the same time, as the core indicator of market heat, low-volume currencies should be carefully avoided due to insufficient liquidity. In addition, using technical tools such as MACD and KDJ to capture market trends and find buying signals such as golden crosses can enhance the accuracy of currency selection.

Finally, in the face of twists and turns in life and investment, we should learn to adjust our mentality, change our perspective, and cherish every bit of beauty in life. When encountering setbacks in the currency circle, adopt a conservative strategy, reduce operations, focus on life, and wait for the market to turn around with a peaceful heart.

If you need to analyze the copycat positions, search 👉 public account/account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

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