#SHIB $SHIB Authoritative analysis of SHIB's market today

Today, SHIB's market showed strong bullish forces at the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour levels. In this market context, we need to pay special attention to the key position of 0.000017954, the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level.

From the perspective of the support level below, we should first focus on three price points: 0.000017862, 0.000017621 and 0.000017407. These price levels have formed strong support in the past market. If the SHIB price can obtain effective support in this range, it is expected to create favorable conditions for the subsequent rebound.

However, when looking at the market, we cannot limit ourselves to the support level below. The rebound target is also worthy of attention. If SHIB can successfully rebound, the top should first focus on three prices: 0.000018257, 0.000018540 and 0.000018996. These prices have formed obvious pressure levels in the past market. If SHIB can successfully break through these resistance levels, it is expected to further open up room for growth.

During the trading process, investors are advised to maintain a high degree of market sensitivity and capture the subtle changes in long and short forces in real time through short-term operations. While grasping each wave of the market, we must also pay attention to risk control to ensure the stability of investment. Follow me, live broadcast with real orders every day, one-on-one guidance, Xiaobai can also master the wealth code, and need to analyze the search for cottage points (public account: Encrypted Wind) ✌️👗cfst1315#shib #SHIBUSDT #SHIB20000U一个亿 #热门话题