First of all, let me say support, I'm not better than anyone and I'm not qualified to teach you.

But support is support because it takes my time and you come to me, I don't proactively inbox. So I will have to pay $ for what I do.

The first 2 regulations are that we do not support people without capital.

If you don't have capital in terms of $, you must at least have the intention to support, be serious with the attitude of seeking knowledge. I hate people who are lazy in the literal and figurative sense the most.

Share with these people for about 2-3 months and they will run away to find someone else.

Without the will, you can only explore on your own and time will make you strong in the market.

Some people never wake up, but some people develop after years of accumulation.

The provisions are as follows.

Capital requirement: must have at least $10,000 to buy or buy according to the codes that the admin analyzes. More is better, but must have at least $10,000 because less than that, the admin will not support.

There are 2 main reasons:

First, if you have too little capital, you will act very weakly at important times.

Second, you are not suitable for the group if you do not have enough capital.

Regulation 2:

1 Quarter must set aside at least 1 to 3 days to discuss 1:1 with the admin about the investment portfolio situation that A/C buys as a team.

There must be exchange and discussion, and absolutely no arbitrary decision making in group codes.

Rule 3: Do not share information in the group outside or take pictures to provide to third parties. Respect other members and respect the admin.

Rule 4: When there is an important decision related to investment accounts according to the group strategy, it is necessary to discuss with the admin.

- Do not make a decision without discussion.

Rule 5: Absolutely do not bet on futures and must be clear in both accounts.

- Long term spot 2024-2025

- Short-term spot in week, quarter, month.

Rule 6: Must say what you need in the process of working to support each other.

Need to learn or exchange knowledge, etc...

Rule 7: Admin always wants you to invest yourself and wants everyone to be capable, so you must seriously practice for at least 1 year.

Rule 8: There will be a fee for 1 year.

So what will I get?

- live to balance investment portfolio including short-term investment and long-term investment

- This section will analyze the entry and exit points, order points and exit points of each code.

- Wallet status will be updated once a week and actions will be taken.

- Share paid web check websites that admin bought and free both future and spot.

Admin support on optimal usage and how to combine data sources for spot profit.

- Will go with admin to do diplomacy with other communities to ask for internal tickets or new bets on dex floors, this will be played in 2025.