The daily structure has formed a clear downward trend, and the rebound has never continued. The Bollinger Bands open downward, and the moving average spreads downward with the currency price. There is no effective rebound in the small cycle, so if there is no effective rebound in the weak market, continue to participate in the idea of ​​rebound shorting. The 4-hour trend is still short-term extension, and in the short term, it is a five-day decline trend, which does not give a chance for rebound performance. So if the structure remains unchanged, just follow the trend!

It is recommended to short Bitcoin near 63800-64200 on Friday night, and the target is 63000-62500.

It is recommended to short Ethereum near 3500-3520 on Friday night, and the target is 3400-3350. #BTC走勢分析