Why are there still so many people keen on speculating in cryptocurrencies?

Let’s not talk about Bitcoin first.

What was the most profitable profession in the 1980s? Many young people may not think that during that time, the most profitable profession was taxi drivers!

How much did taxi drivers earn at that time? In the decade of the 1980s, the national average monthly income grew slowly within 60-100 yuan. But how much did taxi drivers earn? The monthly income was around 2,000-3,000 yuan! At least it is equivalent to the current monthly income of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, which is not excessive at all. At that time, many people dreamed of becoming taxi drivers.

Let's take a look at the income of stars. The pay of tens of millions for a play is basically the income of an ordinary person in a lifetime. This has led to a variety of variety shows. From the popularity of Super Girl in 2005 or 2007, various talent shows, how many people want to be stars, as long as they are popular, the income is what ordinary people can't earn in their lifetime.

Taxi drivers or stars are different products of different times, but the common point is that they have the effect of making money. To put it bluntly, they are emerging industries in the era, and many things are not constrained and can be played freely, so various ways of making money have come. Looking back, traditional industries have basically solidified and do not have the effect of making money. For example, the income of the Internet industry and traditional industries 10 years ago is self-evident.

I have been in the industry since 2017 and have 7 years of industry experience. Most people who enter the market want to take a gamble and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle. The first people who made money were basically those who were willing to learn and get in touch with new things. The development of the industry gave rich rewards. Those who came in later and wanted to get rich overnight, most of them lost money when playing with contract leverage. So no matter who is in this market or wants to enter the market, don’t touch contracts. Some things will happen countless times after you touch them once.

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