How do you feel after this decline? Let us understand some truths, then the following three points are some suggestions for you.

⚠️ The following "three musts" should be followed in the bull market to ensure a sound investment strategy:

1️⃣ Set a clear stop loss point: Even the most successful investors cannot guarantee that they will always make a profit. Not setting a stop loss will amplify the risk and may lead to unacceptable losses. By setting a stop loss point, you can limit losses and protect the investment principal.

2️⃣ Keep an eye on market dynamics: Trading is an ongoing process, and paying attention to market changes throughout the process is crucial to respond in a timely manner. This helps investors make quick decisions on market fluctuations and ensure the safety of funds.

3️⃣ Reasonably manage positions: Avoid investing all funds in a single investment. Diversification can reduce the risks caused by fluctuations in a single market or asset. Reasonable position management allows investors to maintain capital flexibility in the face of failure, so that they can make full use of real opportunities when they come.

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