Good afternoon, everyone! I just had dinner and tea with a big guy in the cryptocurrency circle this morning. He shared his story from the initial loss of 200,000 yuan to only 80,000 yuan, and now his assets are over 100 million yuan. His success experience is mainly due to persistent learning and continuous improvement of cognition. The following are five experiences he summarized, which are full of gold content. I hope they will inspire you:

1. Don't rush to stop loss when the market falls sharply in the early morning: Usually, this is an overreaction caused by the bad news the night before, and you can wait for the repair and reversal in the future market. Don't blindly chase the rise when the market rises sharply at the end of the day, because some main players like to test the market and lure more, and may open low the next day to suppress and absorb funds.

2. Learn to use the practical technical indicator of trading volume: trading volume can reflect the direction of the future market. The continuous rise in shrinking volume indicates that the main force has strong control ability; the decline in shrinking volume indicates that the panic market has not been completely released and the freezing point has not been reached, so it will continue to fall.

3. Master the judgment of the top structure of the sector: Generally speaking, the sector market is composed of five waves: the first wave hits the follow-up market, the second wave washes the market and adjusts, the third wave is the main rising wave, the fourth wave is complex and divergent, and the fifth wave lifts and pulls the shipment. In this process, the third wave has the largest increase, the first wave is second, and the fifth wave is the lowest. But the market is ever-changing, and sometimes the fifth wave will die, so it cannot be memorized by rote. After discovering that the leading sector is stagnant, the previous strength will no longer be continued during the rebound market, and the probability is that it has reached the top.

4. Pay attention to the performance of the sector during the acceleration period of the top of the big cake: Every time Bitcoin reaches the top acceleration period, there will usually be a surge in the altcoins of a certain sector, which will trigger a reversal of Bitcoin. Just look at whether the major leaders stop falling and rise, and the index will follow up.

5. Focus, especially for novices: studying a way of playing and mastering the skills in it is much more effective than learning multiple methods at the same time. Greedy for more will lose, and poor skills are easy to be taught by the market. Don't switch modes at will, calm down and learn, you will gradually get better, and after achieving stable profits, you can learn more skills to integrate them.

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