How does the shouting king make his group members step into the abyss step by step?

> The shouting king will first ambush a must in advance.

> Then the shouting king paints a rosy picture for the leeks, saying that something will definitely increase by 5 times, 10 times, or 20 times. After seeing this, the brainless leeks will rush up regardless of the price. It is possible to rush up 20% a day.

> After rushing to more than 20%, the shouting king can withdraw the principal, and then there will be a market crash. But no matter whether the leeks make a profit or a loss later, he will make a profit without loss!

In a bull market, this approach will not cause big problems. After the shouting king withdraws the principal, the market may crash for a few days in the short term, but because the market is upward, all musts are rising! The leeks who follow the car will basically not lose a lot in the medium and long term, and may even make a little money, and some may even make a lot of money.

So many leeks are floating, becoming more and more greedy and brainless, and the shouting king will go up as soon as he shouts! Happy! When you get something, you want more. If you double it, you want 3 times it. If you double it, you want 5 times it! The more it rises, the more you get carried away. The more it rises, the more you feel that you bought too little, and you keep adding positions! The game of passing the flower to the drum begins!

What is the result? The bear market came later, and this game of passing the flower to the drum could not be played anymore. The prices that rose before must fall again, and even fell higher than the average price! There are still many people who lost more than 70%! The shouting king doesn't care. He only has three words in his mouth: "Make up for the drop"! It's a pity that no one has unlimited positions like him! Many leeks have lost more than 70% with full positions!

Some leeks are so angry that they scold him, but the shouting king says that the leeks are all minors and have no cognition!

Some leeks continue to follow blindly. After losing more than 70%, they are still fantasizing about ten times or a hundred times. There is no cure!

If you are in the shouting king's group, you must be vigilant and leave the group as soon as possible!

If you don't know who the shouting king is! Congratulations! You have avoided the pit!

Recently, the king of shouting orders has shouted out ens and crv, everyone knows how to do it!