Important events for the crypto market on June 20 from the economic calendar. 

Today is the day of national banks and their decisions on monetary policy. Some of the national currencies on today's list are included in the formula for calculating the US Dollar Index#DXY(inverse correlation with risk asset markets). If these assets perform strongly, we can expect a further decline in DXY, as we expect.

In the morning, data on the Basic Lending Rate of the People's Bank of China has already been released. For now, it is very indirectly important for the crypto market. But only until Chinese capital finds Hong Kong crypto-ETFs.

The Swiss Central Bank also released a decision on the interest rate and an assessment of monetary policy. The Swiss franc is included in the DXY calculation formula. The rate was reduced, although according to the forecast there should have been a pause. Declining factor for DXY.

Schedule for the rest of the day:

- 11:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 13:00 Astana time - Monthly report of the European Central Bank.

- 11:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 13:30 Astana time - Press conference of the Swiss National Bank. 

- 14:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 16:00 Astana time - Decision on the Bank of England interest rate. Minutes of the meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee, letter from the Bank of England on inflation. The pound sterling is included in the DXY calculation formula.

❗️ - 15:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 17:30 Astana time - Weekly number of initial applications for unemployment benefits in the USA. The labor market is important for the US Federal Reserve's interest rate actions.

- 23:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 01:30 new day Astana time - US Federal Reserve balance sheet.  They will show how things are going in the financial sector; the Fed has essentially already entered the period of completion of quantitative tightening. It is important to see this in practice, in specific numbers.