CRV has risen again. Keep going short. This CRV is really strong. It almost doubled from the low position. The current price is 0.35. I will go short directly. I don’t believe it can rise. A project designed to sell to dog dealers can rise to the sky? Now it is at most an oversold rebound. Moreover, when buying a coin, you must not be sloppy. Do you believe that the CRV project owner said that 10% will be destroyed? He may issue another 10% one day. Then sell it. At that time, it will fall to the point where your parents will not recognize it. In this jungle law, the most untrustworthy thing is the face of the project owner. Besides, CRV is such an unreliable project owner. When buying coins, you should buy coins with high certainty. Don’t put the initiative in the hands of others. #crv又要面临清算 $CRV