CRV plummeted again!

Why is CRV not CRV? What about those people who told people to buy at the bottom? I really don’t know how bad these people who told people to buy at the bottom are. They bought some CRV and told others to take over.

CRV is a coin that is completely a garbage sold by the project party. The previous founder has cashed out 120 million US dollars in this project and bought a luxury villa. Where did these come from? Of course, they were cut by leeks.

It was stolen by hackers again. The market is not good. The pledge was liquidated.

It’s just looking for excuses to sell in disguise. They are all project parties who eat people without spitting out bones.

Those bloggers who told people to buy at the bottom of CRV can be permanently blocked.

They bought at the bottom themselves and asked others to join in.

CRV will return to zero in the end.

#crv又要面临清算 $CRV