Today, the trend is an oversold rebound. Some of the stocks have reached the bottom. You can just invest slowly. Leverage players are still not recommended.

The federal interest rate is too high. The interest payment exceeds the military expenditure. It can't hold up for long. There are so many issues about the increase in interest rates that need to be paid attention to.

1. Excessive interest payments on treasury bonds will threaten fiscal sustainability. If the government cannot effectively control debt growth, it may face a fiscal crisis, affect the country's credit rating, and increase future financing costs.

2. If inflationary pressure is high, the Federal Reserve may tend to maintain or raise interest rates to control inflation. Therefore, although the interest payment burden has increased, it is unlikely to cut interest rates for this reason alone in the short term, but there will definitely be an impact in the long run.

3. The growth of interest payments will squeeze the federal government's budget space and reduce investment in other areas (such as infrastructure, education and health care). The part of the federal budget used for interest payments will become larger and larger, making the government more restricted in formulating fiscal policies.

These issues continue to reflect the error of the old Biden economics from a political and economic perspective, which is very unfavorable for the election, and there will be a slow entry of funds. #美联储何时降息?