Let me talk about a few financial market phenomena that you may not know:

Whether it is the cryptocurrency circle or the stock market, or any other similar market, the rise and fall of the market is basically driven by the dealer. Of course, the dealer will combine the overall trend of the market, policies, news, company performance, etc. to pull up or smash the market, and will not use only funds to operate. If a stock, a virtual currency, or even a market, is not operated by the dealer, it will only be dead, with no trading volume, no sharp rise and fall, and retail investors do not want to see such a market.

The dealer can grasp the distribution of funds in the market, how many buy orders, how many sell orders, and the distribution of buy orders and sell orders, while retail investors can only rely on public data, and many retail investors basically do not look at these data. For unregulated markets, this can even monitor the user's operation in real time. Many people say that the price will fall or rise to my liquidation point, just to liquidate my warehouse. That's right, as I said just now, most of the market trading volume is made by the dealer himself. In extreme cases, only a small number of retail investors really play in it, so the dealer is to liquidate your warehouse. In this case, how do you make a profit through historical curves, market conditions, and company performance? Is there any technology involved? Not at all.

Why can't most retail investors hold on?

In addition to human nature, the market makers' cultivation of retail investors' way of thinking, releasing news, and controlling market sentiment, there is another more decisive reason that the market makers have the initiative. If you don't sell, I won't raise the price. I'll just wait and see. The market makers know the chips in the hands of retail investors, but retail investors don't know the chips of the market makers. No matter how determined the retail investors are, they can't outlast the market makers. There will always be people who slowly sell. The market makers will not start to raise the price until the chips they receive reach the target. $BTC