As a guest speaker, I attended a Web2 entrepreneur gathering two days ago and shared my views on Crypto:

1. Decentralization and transparency are the core spirit of Crypto. Decentralization represents security and prevention of monopoly evil. Transparency refers to transparency of behavior, not transparency of privacy.

2. Token economy is the core attribute of Crypto. Understanding Crypto from the perspective of assets is more in line with the current situation.

3. The representative manifestation of the last bull market and this bull market is still innovation at the level of asset liquidity.

4. The core narrative of this bull market is: BTC+MEME. BTC = safe-haven assets + financial experiments of new intelligent human society; MEME = the value embodiment of democratic system reform in a turbulent world.

5. The dividends of the currency circle: Steady money is more lasting than gambling. Hoarding coins - the stupidest behavior is the smartest way to make money; investing in asset allocation teams - it is better to leave professional matters to professionals than blindly investing.

6. Crypto is not a field where you can pick up money everywhere. If you think you can pick up money, you are likely to pick up shit.

7. Don’t get involved in Crypto with a gambler’s mentality—few people can earn Alpha returns.

8. Don’t easily believe what others say about investment and money-making opportunities—don’t trust people who are suspicious, and don’t doubt people who are trustworthy.

9. Don’t easily invest in primary projects, especially projects that cut leeks—you will have to pay back sooner or later.

10. Don’t be FOMO—there are always opportunities in the cryptocurrency circle.

11. The last point: in a field full of asset speculation/investment temptations, you must have a positive mind and a bottom line. Compared with this point, the above points are not important. #Crypto🚀🚀#BTC☀ $BTC $ETH $BNB