Can TG bot be a separate track in Web3? In my opinion, it cannot. If it is to be a separate track, three specific conditions are required: ① This track solves the real problems of blockchain; ② This track helps blockchain Web3 mass adoption; ③ This track has a sufficiently differentiated narrative.

1⃣ From condition ①, TG bot does not solve the real problems of blockchain such as expansion, privacy and security.

2⃣ From condition ②, the emergence of TG bot's subdivision field helps the prosperity of Ton ecology, but it has limited help in increasing Web3 mass adoption. Who will use TG bot from the beginning among new users?🤔

3⃣ From condition ③, TG bot does not have a sufficiently differentiated narrative.

In summary, I think the existence of TG bot is due to the need for the prosperity of Ton ecology, so the development prospects of TG bot are very dependent on the development of Ton. Of course, there will be a view that TG bot can be expanded to channels similar to Whatsapp and Discord. The question is: Is a field that relies heavily on channels worth investing in? 🧐

Even though TG bot has a low market entry threshold and is easy to be imitated and copied, and there is a serious homogeneity phenomenon between projects. However, many of the existing users of Web3 need TG bot to trade, brush airdrops, snipe new coins, follow orders, monitor wallet addresses, and issue price warnings. Therefore, there must be many projects in the TG bot segment. But from the perspective of VC investment, TG bot may not be one of the many good choices.