#BB $BB BB In-depth analysis of the day

Multi-level short confirmation: At the 1-hour, 2-hour, and 4-hour levels, it can be seen that the short trend is clear, and the downward pressure on the market has increased significantly.

4-hour long-short watershed: Today's focus, the long-short watershed near 0.5416, will become the key to the market trend.

Analysis of the lower support level: First pay attention to 0.4997. If it falls below, look at 0.4932. The last line of defense is 0.4880. Each price level needs to be closely monitored.

Outlook for the upper pressure level: Once the market rebounds, it will first test the resistance of 0.5441. If it can break through, it will challenge 0.5470. The ultimate goal is a high of 0.5538.

Short-term market monitoring strategy: The market is unpredictable. Pay attention to the comparison of long and short forces in real time and accurately grasp the pulse of each wave of the market to be invincible!

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