$CRV led to the decline of the pledge lending sector in the DeFi market.

The founder remained silent after the liquidation. The leading project in the lending market has given up. What will happen to other lending platforms?

Let's take a look at $XAI . The daily indicator line has strong support. At the same time, the Xai project has also launched a new task activity and launched the Vanguard: Genesis (#Xai先锋创世纪 ) activity on the Galex task platform. The activity includes several months of game releases and tasks, covering the Xai game ecosystem.

The logic of the rise of the chain game currency is very simple. Buy tokens to enter the game, and consume and reduce the circulation of tokens through virtual props and consumption. Then increase the demand for tokens through activities and user growth, which affects the rise in token prices.

Now the short-term policy tends to be favorable, so you can also choose to buy the targets you hold now.

#美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 @XAI_GAMES

In addition, there will be interest rate cuts in September and November.