OK, OK, I reduced my position by $SUI , and as a result, SUI fell less

The capital of $JUP 0.86 is now at a floating loss of 5.9%

Every time I want to make a big move, I get a big move

As I said before, I am not afraid of a general decline, but I am afraid that it will still fall when it rises.

It is time to look at the wind vane again. BTC has accurately reached the position of the trend line on the downward channel.

That means that we are still following the technical indicators, and the technical indicators are still useful. There is a hole in the middle of this process. At the position of 65600-64500 US dollars, if it is not a relatively large decline, it should be supported here.

After a long fart, let me talk about the prediction. This week's closing should be like this. Next week is likely to be a slow decline, and the downward sentiment will not be very strong.

The altcoins will be bleed like crazy! The kind that is desperate, the kind that doubts life, and the kind that makes you cut your losses directly.

BTC will slowly fall for about 3 days, strengthen around $63,400, and then rise with the news.

All that’s left is to wait and see! ! #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #特朗普家族加密项目 #美股财报季来袭

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