I am doing my best to make tutorials every day.

It is inevitable that there are a lot of keyboard warriors who like to talk nonsense, and they are always arguing.

If you don't like to read, you can just leave, why do you have to say bad things to me?

A kind word can warm you in the winter, but a bad word can hurt you in the summer.

It is meaningless to always argue. Some people have always said that rolling positions are risky and making money is just luck. I am not saying this to convince anyone. It is meaningless to convince others. I just hope that people with the same trading philosophy can play together.

It's just that there is no screening mechanism at present, and there are always harsh voices that interfere with the recognition of those who want to read.

Capital management trading is not full of risks. Risks can be resolved with capital management. If I have a futures account of 200,000 dollars, and a spot account from 300,000 dollars to 100,000+ dollars randomly, I will charge more if there is a big opportunity and less if there is no opportunity.

If I am lucky, I can make more than 10 million RMB a year, which is more than enough. If I am unlucky, the worst case is that my futures account will be exposed. It doesn't matter. The spot income can make up for the loss of the futures explosion. If I make up for it, I will rush in. Can't I make a penny in a year from spot? I am not that bad.

You can not make money but you can not lose money, so I haven't had a blowout for a long time, and I often make a quarter of the profit in futures and keep it separately. If it is blown up, I will also keep part of the profit.

As an ordinary person, my personal suggestion is to take one-tenth of the spot position to play futures, for example, take 300,000 to play, and go for the profit of spot after it is exposed. After you have blown up eight or ten times, you will always find out something. If you still haven't found it, don't play, it means you are not suitable for this line.

I am Lao Li, a fresh goods blogger

As I said, I will continue to layout this market

If you want to communicate, welcome to chat! ! !

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