Is it really that difficult to make 1 million RMB in the cryptocurrency circle? What are the ways?

Let me first conclude that it is definitely easier and faster to make 1 million RMB in the cryptocurrency circle than to make 1 million RMB by working.

Let's make a comparison. If you earn 10,000 RMB, then according to the official data, you have already surpassed 90% of people. Even if you save as much as you earn without eating or drinking, you can only save 120,000 RMB a year. If you add a 30,000 RMB year-end bonus, it will only be 150,000 RMB a year. If you want to save 1 million RMB, it will take at least 7 years. The effort and energy you put in during the process cannot be calculated.

If you are in the cryptocurrency circle, assuming that your capital is 10,000 RMB, you only need to do 10 times twice, and you don't need to add any leverage. It's just spot. It's common to make 100 times or 1,000 times in the cryptocurrency circle, not to mention 10 times, which is even more common.

If you don't believe me, you can ask people around you who have traded in cryptocurrencies. Ask them if the money automatically goes into their pockets in the bull market? Ask them if they are stupid enough to make money in a bull market, and we are in a bull market now.

Perhaps you will say that many people have also lost money. In fact, there are only a few ways to lose money. Either the money is lost in the primary market, or it is in the capital market or a contract is opened and exploded, or the funds are stolen.

The problem is, as long as you don't go to the primary market and focus on the secondary market, that is, buy those mainstream coins on the exchange, don't play leverage or open contracts, put the money in the top exchange, and don't put it in the wallet, don't worry about your private key being stolen if it is not kept well, and then wait for the wind to blow you up to the sky. Does this operation look difficult?

To put it simply, you can always do it like a turtle, you can do your own things at ordinary times, and it doesn't delay your time. I also did it as a side job at the beginning.

Finally, you can disagree, but please don't attack me, because I don't understand what's good about being a social animal who works 996 every day and works in a B class but can't make B money. Of course, if you enjoy it, I respect your choice.

Those who come to find the God of Wealth through this post, this bull market will take you directly on board. Remember, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

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