1. Most men have no love. If you ask them to read the word love, they will read it as "fertilization".

Many times they fall in love partly out of physiological needs.

Another part is because others have wives, so he wants one too.

2. When a man gets close to a woman, he just wants to sleep with her. If you don’t believe me, try letting him not touch you.

The reason a woman approaches a man is nothing more than because of his material and spiritual needs. If you don't believe me, try not satisfying her or caring about her.

Men and women will not be too attentive to each other for no reason, this is the need of human nature!

3. You can never feed a dog enough, you can never please a person well, you can never tame a wolf, being soft-hearted is a disease, and deep love is fatal. The truth about human nature is: a thousand people may have different tastes of the same tea, just because ten thousand people share the same path but different hearts.

If you are too kind, you will be bullied. If you are too nice to others, they will take it for granted. If you are too honest, people will think you are stupid.

4. The stupidest thing in the world is to reason with others. Always remember: if you are in different positions, it is better to speak less; if you have different cognitions, there is no need to argue; if you have different views, it is no use wasting your time.

If your heart is too small, everything is a big deal. If your heart is too big, everything is a small deal. Only by constantly improving your own pattern can you be immune to all poisons. Your thinking determines the way out, and the pattern determines the outcome.

5. If someone scolds you, and you remember it for one day, he scolded you for one day. If you remember it for one year, he scolded you for one year. If you remember it until you die, he scolded you for the rest of your life.

Although water is gentle, it can wear away rocks. If a person is peaceful, he can surely become like a spring breeze, split mountains and dig rivers. Therefore, the best way to maintain health is to maintain emotions. The true independence of a person is also the independence of emotions.

6. Mice never think that the food they eat is stolen, flies never think they are dirty, and bats never know that they are poisonous. After all, in the world of crows, swans are all guilty.

If thoughts are not at the same level, there is no need to conquer each other.

7. The greatest evil in human nature is not selfishness, greed, hypocrisy, or arrogance, but making things difficult for others.

Especially after obtaining certain rights and interests, he will use all means to make things difficult for whoever he can.

8. When you are weak, helping others is sometimes a thankless task and is considered as fawning. When you are strong, you don’t need to help others, but just say a word of encouragement, and the other party will be particularly touched.

Conscience is like a talent. If you have it, you have it. If you don’t, you don’t. There is no way to awaken it.

9. If you find that you have fewer and fewer friends around you, don’t doubt that there is something wrong with your interpersonal relationships.

The main reason is that you are becoming more and more destitute, and your so-called friends feel that you have no value anymore, so they don't want to hang out with you anymore.

There is essentially only one kind of relationship between people, and that is a relationship of interest. Only when interests are exchanged over a long period of time can there be a long-term relationship.

What you need to do is to constantly increase your own value. Once your value is great enough, love, friendship, and family affection will come to you uninvited without you having to chase them desperately.

Believe it or not, just try it. Have you ever had the experience of a group of women confessing their love to you?

This kind of spiritual happiness and satisfaction with one's own achievements is simply paradise on earth!

10. This kind of person is a disaster to whoever you are with. If you meet him, you must stay away from him.

I like to find faults and dislike everyone. I am used to evading responsibility and blaming mistakes on external factors.

A sharp tongue can hurt people more than a knife. A wound cut by a sharp knife is easy to heal, but a wound caused by a harsh word is hard to erase.

11. The greatest sorrow of a woman is to love the man who plays with her, and to play with the man who loves her. In the end, she shouts to the world that no man is good.

Rich men are all changing women. Poor men are desperately trying to make money, buy cars and houses, prepare gifts, and exchange for a woman who has been exchanged by countless rich men.

12. Don’t chat with the opposite sex unless necessary. No one will be nice to you for no reason and take care of you in everything. Chatting occasionally is friendship, but chatting every day is ambiguity.

Not knowing how to say no is digging a hole for yourself and giving others opportunities. Don't pretend to be ignorant when you know the truth. We are all adults. Don't pretend that you don't know what the other person wants to do. Self-discipline is more important.

13. If a person is only kind but does not quietly accumulate abilities, he will become an insignificant person and be looked down upon.

14. Nothing happens suddenly in this world, you just suddenly know it.

15. You don’t like this world, you don’t like this life. In fact, if you dig deeper, you will find that you must dislike the present you.

16. The biggest differences between people are those above the neck. It is not that making money is difficult.

Either your direction is wrong or your method is wrong.

To have the right direction and the right method, you must first change your mindset.

17. In any era, only 20% of people are thinking, and the remaining 80% are entertaining. If you can be one of the 20%, you have already achieved half of the success.

18. 80% of the wealth is in the hands of 20% of the people; 90% of the persistence is in the hands of the 10% of people who go to bed early and get up early.

19. 80% of the time, you are not dealing with people, but with human nature.

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