An'an old coins counterattack: the new favorite of the last gasp track!

Recently, the old coins that have been dormant on the An'an platform have played a "Jedi counterattack"! Overnight, they were like being cast a spell, and rushed to the C position of the increase list, which made people call it exciting!

There are three mysterious keys to the counterattack of these old coins:

1. Antique status: They are old predecessors in the currency circle with rich qualifications.

2. Low-key behavior: The usual trading volume is pitifully low, as if they are not competing with the world.

3. Falling and falling: The coin price has been sluggish for a long time, and people almost forget their existence.

But do you know? Recently, such "last gasp" dramas have been staged on An'an for no less than five times! Do you feel that you have missed 100 million? Don't worry, there may be more surprises waiting for you to discover next!

I gave it a resounding name-"last gasp track"! On this track, everything is possible, and old coins can also be reborn!

Finally, it’s the same old saying, are you confused in the bull market? Let’s catch the tail of the bull market and let the wealth fly!

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