The process of enjoying the fruits is planting trees, flower buds, flowers blooming and falling, bearing fruits, and harvesting.

Fallen petals are not ruthless, they turn into spring mud to protect flowers.

Small levels and small directions can always make people physically and mentally exhausted, making it difficult for people to rest. A compromise is that small warehouses can be moved at will, and large warehouses should be thought twice. Moving large warehouses too much will affect oneself in essence!

Everything will fail, but young people will not fail. Investing in excellent young people and spending time on young people is what smart people do.

The most sinister thing about the legal currency system and Ponzi economy is that all the money for the next hundred years is borrowed today, so that the elderly can spend it without thinking, and then let the young people suffer and bear the consequences of turmoil.

Even if there is a flood after I die, my soul can fly to the sky!

"Summer insects cannot talk about ice", which is subject to time limitations.

"Well frogs cannot talk about the sea", which is subject to space limitations.

"Ordinary people cannot talk about the Tao", which is subject to cognitive limitations.