If you make 1 million in the cryptocurrency circle, will you put it in the USDT annualized interest rate to earn interest?

Wake up, is your head stuck in the door?

You have 1 million principal but you want to earn annualized interest. Let me tell you a few methods. Each income is much higher than the annualized interest, and it is equally stable.

Friends with BNB can participate in Binance's mining and staking activities. The risk of exchange activities is very low. Generally, the staking time is 5 days, and the yield of each activity is about 1-2.5%, and the maximum can reach 3.5%.

There are an average of 3 such activities per month. The return is about 7%, and the return is about 80% in a year. This is all free money.

If you are worried about the short-term fluctuation of BNB, you can use some hedging methods, or use fusdt to participate in the activities, which is almost risk-free.

I have a classmate who came to me to learn BNB arbitrage when he came in. It has doubled in two months. He is eating the increase of BNB and holding the arbitrage of staking. He is eating and taking.

So you are in the B circle, there are many places where you can arbitrage and make money. What I told you is basically the kind without risk, for friends who have money and want to lie flat.

But you said you don’t have much capital, and you have weak ability to make money off the market, what should you do? There are a lot of opportunities in the currency circle, such as participating in exchange activities, NFT whitelist lottery, airdrop collection, pledge mining and many other routines. Only those who want to change and make money will do this, and will have the patience to study this.

If you are willing to spend more time to study, learn to make money arbitrage, and study new tracks and new hot spots, then you will only get higher returns.

So, be brave, embrace emerging things, embrace uncertainty. Use time to exchange space and occupy a favorable ecological niche in advance.

I am Lao Li, a fresh goods blogger

As I said, I will continue to lay out this market

If you want to land, welcome to flirt! ! !

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