June 10 Macroeconomic Data Interpretation: Japan's First Quarter Real GDP Annualized Quarterly Rate Revised Value Reading Index: ★★★

Whether the Asian economy is in chaos or not, the Japanese economy accounts for half.

Data Influence: ★★

Data Credibility: ★

Data: Previous value -2.00% Expected 1.9%, announced 1.8%,

Announcement Time: 07:50,


The result of this data is that Japan's first quarter economy was revised upward by 0.2%. Japan's GDP in the first quarter was slightly better than previously expected, but the overall first quarter value was negative, which can show the deterioration of Japan's domestic economy.

Yes, what I want to talk about here is the domestic economy. After Japan raised interest rates, many people were led to say that the Japanese economy was going to collapse because the yen collapsed sharply. At that time, I said many times that you can think he is bad, but you can't think he is bad. From a certain perspective, in terms of economics and finance, Japan can compete with the United States at a certain stage. Of course, saying this does not mean that he is so awesome, but don't underestimate him.

Japan's economy declined in the first quarter, and GDP was negative, but in fact, Japan is actually stronger than we thought. GDP is the gross domestic product, and Japan has actually been focusing on overseas asset investment for many years. Professional scholars have calculated that the total value of Japan's overseas assets is more than twice its domestic GDP, and the depreciation of the yen has led to a large amount of overseas assets flowing into the yen, increasing the liquidity of the yen. (You can ask your friends living in Japan if local shopping in Japan has been particularly crazy recently)

So Japan's economic decline may not be a bad thing, but a bad thing. Don't be fooled. Just continue to be vigilant. At present, the data has little impact, but be careful that Japan can become a "sharp knife" to tear apart the Asia-Pacific economy at a critical moment

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