The final value of the University of Michigan Consumer Confidence Index in June was released, which is good for the US stock market and the US dollar, but bad for the overall risk market!

The data recorded 68.2, higher than the expected and previous value, and slightly lower than 69.1 in May.

The single data shows that consumer confidence has increased, and the expectation for a cycle of the US economy has gradually turned positive, proving that US economic activities have increased, and both US stocks and the US dollar have risen. US stocks have set a new record high in one go.

Nasdaq 18,016.6

S&P 5522.68

At the same time, the data shows that consumer consumption desire in June is higher than expected, which brings certain pressure to inflation control in June. Although the consumer confidence index is still lower than 69.1 in May,

Today's core PCE index is in line with the expected decline, but the expectation of interest rate cuts still needs to be accompanied by continued decline in inflation in June to promote the current market expectations more likely-45 basis points of interest rate cuts/2 surprises/interest rate cuts in September.

Currently, judging from the consumer confidence index in June, it brings certain pressure to the continued decline of inflation in June.

Although it is bearish, the bearish factors are not large.