June 9 Crypto Option Volatility Research Report

At first, everyone just thought it was an ordinary decline and correction?

Stream-saving version:

1- Call has been rising from the bottom, and the planet has said it several times, so feel free to do it.

2- Covered call is a must-do action for copycats after the high position. Don't be afraid to sell when it rises, or be afraid of not being able to buy cheap goods; when it falls, you think it will collapse.

3- Sol has been falling, and long call is basically worthless. This is the normal state of buying bullish. Option veterans will understand how to allocate positions.

4- There will be several new targets online options recently, so you can look forward to it.

Thinking about fitness and trading:

I went to the gym on weekends. I feel more and more that fitness and trading are very similar.

1- It is easy to go to the gym in the short term, but difficult in the long term and with compound interest.

Anyone can be fresh for 3-5 days, but it is difficult to keep it fresh for years or decades, or pick it up after interruption.

Learning trading and learning options are the same. I have seen too many people who told me that they want to learn options, and it is difficult to stick to it.

If you stick to it for a long time, you will have a stable cash flow even if you only do covered calls, and you don't have to worry about not having enough food to eat for a living by trading.

If you stick to fitness or running for a long time, even if you can't become a great god, you can still have a good physical and mental state.

2- Fitness and trading both require sprints

A particularly important point in fitness or crossfit is the combination of high frequency and low frequency, not uniform speed. The same is true for trading or options. The development of physical objects is not linear. When the key nonlinear violent pull-up occurs, are you there?

Fitness is to improve training efficiency. The effect of uniform jogging or fast running is average.

The combination of fast and slow makes you climax and the effect is maximized.

ps: The picture comes from the Internet