Bitcoin ETF increased its holdings by 25,700 in the first week of June! From January to now, the BTC reserves of exchanges have dropped by 170,000, and the BTC reserves of miners have dropped by 10%. In the past few months, it is obvious that the bottom price of BTC has been getting higher and higher.

After the market has experienced the baptism of Friday, the performance of Ethereum ETF after its approval should not be inferior to Bitcoin. At present, the market is also full of remarks that Ethereum ETF is not good, but I think as a representative token of cryptocurrency, it should perform better than everyone expected. Whether it is the subsequent support of the United States for the faster popularization of its own stablecoins in third-party countries, or the support of institutions represented by Wall Street for the tokenization of real assets, it will help the development of the Ethereum ecosystem and the competition of super-performance public chains. At present, joining OP, ARB, Sui, etc. is a good choice. Although there are disputes between bubble coins and technical coins in the current market like the Internet bubble in the early 21st century, funds will eventually go to technical tokens. Whether it is the issuance of MeMe coins on the ETH chain or the issuance of MeMe coins on the Sol chain, these money will eventually flow to Sol and ETH. This is a fact that does not need to be disputed.

Next, the market should release the expected positive news of Ethereum S-1. Although both Ethereum and Bitcoin have heavy leverage loads, I don’t recommend you to do leveraged trading. $OP $ARB $SUI