Apple surrendered to ChatGPT, and ChatGPT easily acquired billions of Apple users. There is no competitor in the AI ​​industry! WLD may face another surge.

As the leader of the mobile phone industry, Apple actually bowed its head to Chat GPT and issued cooperation. This is a very surprising thing, but it proves from the side what I said in my previous article that ChatGPT is the key to the national destiny of American Ai, and the whole country has opened up all available resources to ChatGPT. In addition to Apple, ChatGPT is also deeply bound to Microsoft, and Nvidia's rapid rise is also due to ChatGPT's refreshing of human cognition of Ai. The three major US stock giants have all been revitalized by Chat GPT. It is hard to imagine what kind of market value OpenAi will create if it goes public!

Before, some people always said that Chat GPT was valued at 80 billion US dollars. In the previous article, I responded that even if you gave the US government 8 trillion US dollars, it would not sell ChatGPT to you. As the world's most profitable technology company bowed to ChatGPT, it has proved what I said. The overall problem of ChatGPT is not the problem of its computing power accumulation, but its strong learning ability. In the past two years, ChatGPT has continuously refreshed human cognition of Ai through its learning model ability. In the past, I always emphasized that the OpenAi big model is not about its computing power accumulation, but about its self-learning and updating ability that is beyond reach. This is like a classmate who got full marks in school. When you want to catch up and get full marks, you find that he is also working hard every day and constantly making breakthroughs and full marks in new extracurricular fields. This is a desperate thing, but there is currently no model that can break this learning and updating speed, so that Google's decades of leading position in the field of Ai has become a bubble. From the side, it is not the accumulation of computing power that caused the mutation of OpenAi with Google's strength at that time, but the newborn calf OpenAi has a unique learning big model.

Although it is unknown when capital will wake up from the accumulation of computing power, this smokescreen has confused people for two years. Just like Baidu uses a modified version of ChatGPT3.5, instead of creating a large model of its own by matching the same computing power as ChatGPT3.5. A good self-foundation is always a key link in a system engineering, just like Android has never surpassed IOS.$BTC $WLD #WLD