After losing more than 2 million from November 2023 to January 2024, he quit gambling and resumed gambling on May 20, 2024, starting with the Lakers, all the way to the Korean Basketball League, the Australian Basketball, and 3 CBA games in the evening, all of which were lost, and a total of 380,000 was spent (ICBC Rong E Loan 20, Paipaidai 18). He is really devastated!

As for why he started gambling again, the reason was very funny. He saw others playing cryptocurrency contracts and found it exciting. A capital of one or two thousand could be traded to 100,000. So he thought about making 20,000 with basketball. He rushed into the contract, starting with 2,000 each time. As long as he succeeded once, he would make a profit. If he lost, it was all earned from basketball anyway, so he didn't lose anything. He was really obsessed with it and had a ruthless heart. He deserved it!

After he lost, he confessed the truth to his family because he couldn't hide it anymore. The whole family was in chaos. His wife said they must divorce and he had to pay the debt himself. She didn't care anymore. If he wanted to die, he could die by himself and not drag her and the children down with him. Yes, he really couldn't be dragged down. He really wanted to die at the time, but what about his elderly parents and his children? If he died, it would definitely be on the news. Secondly, he was afraid of death, so he didn't die in the end.

Yesterday, a bunch of his wife's family members came to his house. They criticized him at first, which was normal. They said they were highly educated, how could he be so stupid? What should he do now? He couldn't even keep his job. How should he live? What about his wife and children? Especially the children, it would affect their future. So they had to divorce, and he had to agree. Then they criticized him again. Why did his good life fall into the abyss in just a few months? He also wanted to ask himself, alas.

However, his relatives were soft-hearted, or maybe they thought it was better to destroy a bridge than a marriage. In the end, they asked him to take out all the gold jewelry in the house. Because his uncle was in this business and the price of gold was high, he calculated the price at 501 per gram and finally sold it for 45,000.

Then he asked how much he still needed to pay back, because he had to pay back 180,000 yuan from Paipaidai and 135,000 yuan from Xinyi, but the day before yesterday he asked someone to get his number and got 4.5, so he still needed 9.

Finally, my family decided to pool together and lend it to me to help him get through this difficult time, but if he gambled again, they would divorce him without saying anything. I thought he would definitely get divorced, but I didn’t expect them to soften their hearts and give him another chance. He said he believed he would not gamble again. Firstly, his number was really useless, and secondly, all his mobile banking verification phone numbers were replaced with his wife’s.

Although they didn’t divorce, their life will be more difficult in the future. I don’t know what will happen in the future. Small gambling can make you happy, but big gambling can hurt your body! I hope those who want to gamble again will learn from this. He could only do this and worked in a bank for the next ten years.

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