AI giants join forces - FET, AGIX and OCEAN plan a new situation

The financial technology circle has been frequently moved. Recently, the eye-catching news is that (FET), Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) and SingularityNET (AGIX) three AI giants announced to join forces to form the "Artificial Intelligence Super Alliance" (ASI). This "superhero" gathering has undoubtedly excited the entire cryptocurrency market.

As the three main forces in the alliance, these three tokens have their own characteristics:

FET has maintained a steady upward trend, like an experienced veteran, although the progress is slow but contains strong internal strength. The current price hovers around $2, ready to break new highs at any time.

AGIX is more like a brave pioneer, soaring rapidly in the past two months and has reached the key position of $0.86. If it can break through the $1 mark, its subsequent performance may be remarkable.

As for OCEAN, it plays the role of a potential stock. Although the recent increase is not very impressive, it has been quietly accumulating strength and is ready to launch an impact at a higher price at any time.

The strong alliance of these three AI companies will undoubtedly carry out in-depth integration in technology, resources, users and other aspects to jointly promote industry changes. This is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for the majority of cryptocurrency investors. When this "AI storm" sweeps in, I believe that FET, AGIX and OCEAN will surely set off a new round of price surges.

Let us wait and see, and witness the wonderful performance of this alliance of AI giants!