When Bitcoin first came out, its price was only $0.0025, and the total circulation of each Bitcoin was 21 million. In 2009, the price of Bitcoin was even less than one cent, and one dollar could buy more than one thousand Bitcoins.

If we go back ten years, to around 2014, the price of Bitcoin was about $0.003. At the exchange rate at the time, 10,000 RMB could buy about 550,964 Bitcoins.

Time flies, and now the price of Bitcoin has reached an astonishing height. Taking the current Bitcoin price as an example (about RMB 473,100), if you bought 550,964 Bitcoins at that time, you would now have a wealth of about RMB 260,676,495,392, more than RMB 260 billion!

If you invested 10,000 RMB in Bitcoin at that time, your life trajectory might be similar to that of Zhao Changpeng.

Looking back at Zhao Changpeng's story, his life reached an important turning point in 2013. That year, he first came into contact with Bitcoin from a friend who was both a poker player and a venture capitalist. The friend suggested to him: "Changpeng, why not try to invest 10% of your net worth in Bitcoin? If its value rises 10 times, your wealth will double. Even if it is not as expected, you have only lost 10%."

Inspired by this advice, Zhao Changpeng began to get involved in multiple cryptocurrency projects. More notably, in 2014, he made a bold decision to sell his property in Shanghai and invest all of it in Bitcoin, which was priced at $600 per coin at the time.

In the turbulent world of digital currency, there is a legendary figure who is widely praised - "Brother 480,000". He bought 100 bitcoins with 480,000 yuan and shared his investment experience with netizens on Baidu Bitcoin Post Bar. However, it is regrettable that on the eve of Bitcoin's surge, he chose to sell at a loss and left, missing out on tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of wealth.

These stories remind us that opportunities often coexist with risks. Today's Bitcoin market is still changing rapidly. What will the situation be like in the next ten years? I hope we can find the right track now and achieve financial freedom in ten years!